Missing Tokyo! « Joe McNally’s Blog


At the end of this summer that sort of never was, looking ahead to the fall, as I always do. Feeling lucky and blessed to be healthy and home, and wishing for the health and safety of all.

Still, though, as a photog, your eyes have energy and look to what may come, and what might have been. I was teed up for the Tokyo Games, and prepping in Japan, visually. I was tackling scenes and athletes, experimenting with color and light in Tokyo, which is overbrimming with both.

So, fingers crossed for next summer. And a heartfelt nod to the athletes, who labor so mightily for that brief moment in the sun known as the Olympic Games, and the chance to be the best. And to the wonderfully warm hearted people of Japan, who are ever gracious. And in particular to my subjects back in the early part of the year, such as noted martial artist Alice Iwamoto, seen up top, leaping in a bamboo forest.

I mean, where can you be shooting something like the below, with a famous Japanese athlete, Sayuri Osuga, in the middle of the busiest street corner in the world, and have one of the best photogs around, Matthew Jordan Smith, just, you know, drop by your shoot? In the improbably wonderful metropolis of Tokyo.


Goodbye to the summer, but taking a deep breath and holding hopes for the fall.

More tk….



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