Our Top 10 Podcast Episodes of 2020

In this year of social isolation, few things have provided as much of a distraction for me as listening to podcasts. My daily walks have given me time to escape the confines of my apartment – even when most of the city was shut down – and podcasts of all mode and manner both informed and entertained me.

Sarah Jacobs and I also found a rhythm and purpose through our weekly recordings of the PhotoShelter podcast “Vision Slightly Blurred.” We started the year by meeting in person, but by the beginning of March, we were online like most of the country. 

And whereas you might think photography would be in short supply, in reality, photographers proved tenacious in finding new ways to be creative. They created pandemic portraiture, covered chaotic protests and wildfires, and discovered the simple pleasures of photographing the things just inside the perimeter of their homes.

Here are our top 10 episodes of 2020:

10. How Photographers Are Staying Creative During COVID-19

9. Celebface: Why everyone looks the same on Instagram

8. 3 Photographers on Applying for Economic Assistance: Moral Failing or Necessity?

7. The Folded Map Project’s Tonika Johnson Confronts Alec Soth & the NYT

6. Johnny Depp Plays Photographer W. Eugene Smith in “Minamata”

5. Annie Leibovitz Photographs Simone Biles for Vogue…and Twitter Loses Its Mind

4. How the Kids Are Learning Photography on TikTok

3. What Happens When a Major Photo Magazine Shuts Down?

2. Photography in the Age of Coronavirus

1. Fujifilm Launched a Camera and Revealed How their Ambassador Takes Photos. Then He was Canceled.

See you next year!

This article was written by